Colorado Senate GOP Kills Consumer Safety Legislation

From Senator Nancy Todd
On Thursday, Republican Senators Tim Neville, Jack Tate, and Owen Hill killed my bill, SB17-038. This bill would have implemented safeguards to offer protection and recourse against fraudulent home inspectors. 

My bill was supported by realtors, contractors, home inspectors, consumers, and the ArapahoeCounty Sheriff. Despite the large support for my bill, Republican Senators in the Senate Finance Committee have decided that this bare minimum safeguard for consumers was “over regulation”. Please take the time to read the letter written by the Arapahoe County Sheriff on why SB17-038 is needed. 

I am extremely disappointed that Senators Neville, Tate, and Hill have decided that partisan squabble is more pertinent than public safety.  

Interviewing with FOX 31

If you missed it, come check out my interview and segment with FOX 31 on the problems fraudulent home inspectors produce with the link below:

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